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10% off Self Assessment this July. Just <s>169</s> £152.

How to claim your VCT tax relief

  • 1 min read
  • Last updated 9 Jan 2023

When you invest in a VCT fund, you can receive 30% income tax relief plus tax-free dividends

Here is how you do it.

Documents you need to have

After you buy your VCT shares, you should receive:

  • A VCT share certificate: you will need this when you sell your VCT shares
  • A VCT tax certificate: you will need this to claim your relief

What you need to do next

When you’re filing your annual Self Assessment go to the “other tax reliefs” section on your Additional Information (SA101) pages.

Enter the total amount invested on section 2 of that page:

claim VCT tax relief

Of course, we at TaxScouts are happy to take care of this for you.

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