10% off Self Assessment this July. Just 169 £152.

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10% off Self Assessment this July. Just <s>169</s> £152.

You’ve not heard of TaxScouts?

  • 3 min read
  • 21 Mar 2022
You've not heard of TaxScouts?

If you’ve not heard of TaxScouts, get yourself comfortable for the rundown. 

We’re a team of tech geeks and accountants dedicated to making tax returns less arduous. You could call us tax-perts, but it’s not really caught on. 

Why did we launch?

It’s no secret that doing your taxes can be a gloomy affair. 

If you’re self-employed, a landlord, an investor, a CIS subcontractor, you live abroad or anything in between, you’ll have to file a tax return. To do this, you either need an accountant or you can do it yourself on the HMRC’s website.

Sounds simple enough, right?

Not so simple

When you get to the HMRC’s website, things aren’t so rosy. The government gateway is one to confusion and dread – and if you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s complicated to navigate and often leaves you with more questions than answers. 

You can alternatively get yourself a personal accountant and have your tax return sorted for you without the HMRC heartache, but it will set you back a hefty lump sum or steep monthly fee. 

Enter TaxScouts. We felt that there was a lack of good, affordable alternatives to the HMRC and traditional accounting services, so we created one. We use tech to take care of long administrative tasks and provide you with an accredited accountant to take care of your taxes.

What’s a pay later CIS rebate?

If you work in the construction industry as a subcontractor, you’ll most likely be part of the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS). It was set up by HMRC to collect taxes from self-employed construction workers. Construction companies deduct either 20% tax (for those already registered) or 30% (for those who aren’t registered for the CIS) for their workers, but annually, this often works out as more than they actually owe. CIS workers will therefore claim a rebate the following year – the tax they paid minus they tax they actually owed. The remainder is the rebate amount. 

We can help you claim your CIS rebate. Pay upfront for £169, all in or have the fee deducted from your rebate for £279.

The TaxScouts gospel

We don’t believe in jargon or long-winded processes. What we believe in is making the tax return industry more accessible for all. We pride ourselves on demystifying the accounting industry to ensure that you’re equipped with everything you need to know before you tackle your taxes. If you’re newly self-employed especially, you don’t have anyone to explain what everything means or an employer to get things sorted for you. 

Our online resources are free to all and they can help you get a steady footing in Self Assessment filing life.

  1. Taxopedia – for jargon-free, easy-to-understand definitions
  2. Blogs & Guides – for How To guides, processes, any important updates, and more!
  3. Calculators – to help you work out what you owe or what you’re owed