Quick! Only 7 days left to file your Self Assessment by the deadline. ⏰
Let’s get your tax returns sorted today
Your self assessment sorted online. £169, all in.
Simple, fast, all online ⚡
Sorted by an accredited accountant 🧑
Filed with HMRC
How it works
Answer a few simple questions. After a couple of minutes of answering questions online we’ll have everything to start preparing your tax return.
Get paired with a real accredited UK-based accountant who is best suited to prepare your return. Plus, they’re on hand for questions whenever you need.
We file your Self Assessment for you. Once you’ve signed off your return, your TaxScouts accountant will submit your return with HMRC for you.
Let’s get your Self Assessment sorted today
Taxes as they should be done
Who can we help?
Freelancers & contractors
High earners
Refund claims
Expat filers
Couriers, riders & drivers
First time filers
We can help anyone who needs to file their Self Assessment with HMRC
Fair, flat fee
What’s the cost?
One-off, flat fee of £169 per online UK tax return
No monthly fees
Fixed cost, no matter how complicated
Price includes VAT
No additional hidden costs
All in
For everyone
Real human help
What’s included?
Get professional help from an accredited accountant
An accredited accountant works on your UK taxes
Help to claim eligible expenses and tax reliefs
Full calculation of your tax bill
Your tax return filed to HMRC
Online support from our UK accountants
Current or previous tax year filing
Switching over from your previous accountant
Still got questions?
Got more questions? Ask away! Get in touch with our UK-based support team either on [email protected] or via the live chat on our homepage. They’re happy to help.
Need extra help from an accountant?
Bundle our tax return and tax advice services and save £59
Not only will you get a one-off, 1:1 tax consultation from an accredited accountant on your tax situation, but they’ll also sort and file your tax return. Just £249, all in.
Each accountant is vetted before they can join our superstar community. Most own their own practice, all have 5+ years industry experience.
100% UK-based accounting community
A hand-vetted group of 100+ practitioners
Rated 4.8* out of 5 from 5k+ reviews
Accredited by the major UK accounting bodies
Regular quality audits to maintain a gold standard
TaxScouts vs HMRC: What’s the difference?
We make complicated things easy so you don’t need to waste time trying to understand HMRC’s jargon-filled, long and confusing process.
Stress free
Filing with TaxScouts
Filing with HMRC
Your very own accredited accountant
A helping human hand along the way
User-friendly platform
No hidden costs
Lightning-fast tax returns
Support to save on your tax bill
Skilled support, ensuring sweet savings on eligible expenses
Earn £25 for each friend you share stress-free taxes with
What the media are saying about us
Filling out your annual return needn’t be taxing. This start-up aims to take the pain out of many people’s biggest headache. Open article ↗
London-based technology firm TaxScouts has launched a "fast, high quality and affordable" tax filing service for the 5.5 million SME’s in the UK. Open article ↗
TaxScouts is an affordable online service that’s aiming to take the stress, uncertainty and hassle out of filing your tax return. Open article ↗
TaxScouts’ popularity is clearly evidenced through its high customer satisfaction ratings, with a 4.8/5 rating on TrustPilot from 5,000 reviews Open article ↗
Just pay a flat fee — £169
No matter how complicated it gets or why you need to do a return, it’ll cost £169. That includes VAT, last-minute changes and all the support you may need.